Filtering by: Wargaming

Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night
5:30 PM17:30

Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night

Join our Warmachine/Hordes players every Monday for a casual game night of battles. New and experienced players are welcome, and if you would like a demo of the game, post in the Facebook group, or discord linked below.

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Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night
5:30 PM17:30

Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night

Join our Warmachine/Hordes players every Monday for a casual game night of battles. New and experienced players are welcome, and if you would like a demo of the game, post in the Facebook group, or discord linked below.

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Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night
5:30 PM17:30

Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night

Join our Warmachine/Hordes players every Monday for a casual game night of battles. New and experienced players are welcome, and if you would like a demo of the game, post in the Facebook group, or discord linked below.

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Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night
5:30 PM17:30

Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night

Join our Warmachine/Hordes players every Monday for a casual game night of battles. New and experienced players are welcome, and if you would like a demo of the game, post in the Facebook group, or discord linked below.

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Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night
5:30 PM17:30

Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night

Join our Warmachine/Hordes players every Monday for a casual game night of battles. New and experienced players are welcome, and if you would like a demo of the game, post in the Facebook group, or discord linked below.

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Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night
5:30 PM17:30

Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night

Join our Warmachine/Hordes players every Monday for a casual game night of battles. New and experienced players are welcome, and if you would like a demo of the game, post in the Facebook group, or discord linked below.

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Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night
5:30 PM17:30

Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night

Join our Warmachine/Hordes players every Monday for a casual game night of battles. New and experienced players are welcome, and if you would like a demo of the game, post in the Facebook group, or discord linked below.

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Warmachine/Hordes WFW Qualifer - Giga-Con
10:00 AM10:00

Warmachine/Hordes WFW Qualifer - Giga-Con

The folks at WFW were kind of enough to give us qualifier status. The winner gets a free pass and a spot in the 2022 invitational at Warfaire Weekend.

75pt-2 list optional, 2022 steamroller rules.

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Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night
5:30 PM17:30

Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night

Join our Warmachine/Hordes players every Monday for a casual game night of battles. New and experienced players are welcome, and if you would like a demo of the game, post in the Facebook group, or discord linked below.

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Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night
5:30 PM17:30

Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night

Join our Warmachine/Hordes players every Monday for a casual game night of battles. New and experienced players are welcome, and if you would like a demo of the game, post in the Facebook group, or discord linked below.

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Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night
5:30 PM17:30

Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night

Join our Warmachine/Hordes players every Monday for a casual game night of battles. New and experienced players are welcome, and if you would like a demo of the game, post in the Facebook group, or discord linked below.

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Age of Sigmar Tournament - GIGA-CON 2022
to Jun 26

Age of Sigmar Tournament - GIGA-CON 2022


JUNE 25th-26th

Join us for our annual team tournament. This year is going to be more exciting than ever with each team having 4 players.

Team Composition rules -

Each team of FOUR players must select armies from different BATTLETOMES(IE. You can’t take both a Kruleboyz list and a Ironjawz list in the same team.) You cannot take the same UNIQUE character in more than one list (looking at you Gotrek, Archaon, Nagash and Kragnos).

Each player is responsible for a 2000 point list from an army of their choice. They must bring all relevant rule materials with them such as books, FAQs, new warscrolls and erratas.The cut off day for new Battletomes and Erratas is June 11th, 2022.

Lists must be submitted to the T.O. no later than June 12th, 2022 at 11:59pm. List submission will be either through Best Coast Pairings(link coming soon) or directly emailing the T.O. Jon Galvin . All lists for a team must be submitted at once.

There will be prizes for the following
Best Team - The team with the highest score at the end of 5 tournament rounds

Best Theme - This prize will be awarded to the team that has the best cohesive theme through out their team. Background lore, cohesive army colors/sigils, costumes, team name and anything that adds to your team counts.

Best Painted - This prize will be awarded to the team that has the best overall paintjob and display throughout the whole team.

Event packet will be released no later than April 23rd, 2022.
More information will be posted as we near the date of the event.

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Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night
5:30 PM17:30

Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night

Join our Warmachine/Hordes players every Monday for a casual game night of battles. New and experienced players are welcome, and if you would like a demo of the game, post in the Facebook group, or discord linked below.

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Thursdays - Age of Sigmar Casual Gaming
12:00 PM12:00

Thursdays - Age of Sigmar Casual Gaming

Join our Age of Sigmar casual gamers every Thursday from opening to close. Find new friends and enjoy playing this awesome game from Games Workshop.

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Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night
5:30 PM17:30

Mondays - Casual Warmachine/Hordes Game Night

Join our Warmachine/Hordes players every Monday for a casual game night of battles. New and experienced players are welcome, and if you would like a demo of the game, post in the Facebook group, or discord linked below.

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40k Doubles Tournament June 12th
9:30 AM09:30

40k Doubles Tournament June 12th

So it is that time of year, when we run our 40k Doubles Tournament!

Entry Cost is $30 per Team.

Each Team will be 2000 points, but each Player will be fielding 1000 points (And no, you can't give spare points to your team mate)

We'll be playing 3 games, 3 hr's each round with a 30 minute lunch break.
Registration will be at 9:30, first round to start at 10am.

Can any army pair with any army?
-Yes...but the old Allies Matrix might rear its head.
How will key word effects work?
-As per codex, but there might be ways to extend that reach.

Max entry is 12 teams, each entry is a team entry so when you purchase your ticket please message me (Rob) with who is in the Pair and what your Team Name is!

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Atlanta Regional Qualifier for ASOIAF Miniatures Game
11:00 AM11:00

Atlanta Regional Qualifier for ASOIAF Miniatures Game

It is said opportunity waits for no one and that is never more true then in the game of thrones.

Bring forth your armies and stake your claim for the Iron Throne!

Take part in the Atlanta Regional Qualifier.

Entry fee is $15.00 per participant. Players are to field two distinct 40 point armies chosen from one official faction.

Tournament rules and set-up will follow the most current tournament guidelines as found on All players must register and submit their army lists through ASOIAF Stats prior to tournament game day.

Links and additional information will be provided.

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