So it is that time of year, when we run our 40k Doubles Tournament!
Entry Cost is $30 per Team.
Each Team will be 2000 points, but each Player will be fielding 1000 points (And no, you can't give spare points to your team mate)
We'll be playing 3 games, 3 hr's each round with a 30 minute lunch break.
Registration will be at 9:30, first round to start at 10am.
Can any army pair with any army?
-Yes...but the old Allies Matrix might rear its head.
How will key word effects work?
-As per codex, but there might be ways to extend that reach.
Max entry is 12 teams, each entry is a team entry so when you purchase your ticket please message me (Rob) with who is in the Pair and what your Team Name is!