JUNE 25th-26th
Join us for our annual team tournament. This year is going to be more exciting than ever with each team having 4 players.
Team Composition rules -
Each team of FOUR players must select armies from different BATTLETOMES(IE. You can’t take both a Kruleboyz list and a Ironjawz list in the same team.) You cannot take the same UNIQUE character in more than one list (looking at you Gotrek, Archaon, Nagash and Kragnos).
Each player is responsible for a 2000 point list from an army of their choice. They must bring all relevant rule materials with them such as books, FAQs, new warscrolls and erratas.The cut off day for new Battletomes and Erratas is June 11th, 2022.
Lists must be submitted to the T.O. no later than June 12th, 2022 at 11:59pm. List submission will be either through Best Coast Pairings(link coming soon) or directly emailing the T.O. Jon Galvin . All lists for a team must be submitted at once.
There will be prizes for the following
Best Team - The team with the highest score at the end of 5 tournament rounds
Best Theme - This prize will be awarded to the team that has the best cohesive theme through out their team. Background lore, cohesive army colors/sigils, costumes, team name and anything that adds to your team counts.
Best Painted - This prize will be awarded to the team that has the best overall paintjob and display throughout the whole team.
Event packet will be released no later than April 23rd, 2022.
More information will be posted as we near the date of the event.